Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is it okay to not use the term "sequential art"?

For the past 20 years I have read comics. They have been a huge part of my growing up. They are connected to many of my childhood memories. Now, I read many crime graphic novels, indies, and old misc. stuff. Why do I say it like this? Is it because I am afraid to admit that I was such a huge superhero comic reader. I read many of the mainstream Marvel books growing up. Wait. Wait wait wait... this is starting to come across as a confession. Should I look for the cultural value in all these hours/days spent reading? Should I look for the historical/literary references? Nah, although they will probably seep through as I try to come to terms with this early addiction and how it has effected my life today. Instead of listing my favorites or all the series I have read (which would add up to more literature books than I've ever read) I'll try to stay on topic with why they are so enjoyable.

Friday, March 6, 2009


At home I have a list of shows, books, and movies I have seen. They are just lists with some dates and a few comments if any. Once attended or read they go into the abyss of my memory and add to my cultural collective. Besides the few friends who read what I do or the few who go with me to shows, I am not really connected to any larger group of people who like to share these experiences. I guess, besides experiencing certain aspects of "life" I need to ask myself, "What am I getting out of this besides entertainment?" Tonight at the Hollywood Undead, Senses Fail, Brokencyde, and Haste the Day show I may not be contemplating this show's influence on my future writing or raising of my daughter but over time the lasting effects of 200 shows may add to my over-all look on certain aspects of life. As long as I don't let my guard down while pondering life just as an elbow comes down on my nose then I think all will be well.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So it begins... May this never take the place of old leather journals.